dimanche 22 novembre 2009

Thoughts about coaches

I am loath to use the word coach when describing myself because it is a word that can be used about anybody who tries to help, and it is a word that can mean pretty much anything and nothing at the same time. It is also a word that carries a lot of negative baggage even if it is not to blame! However, there is no getting around the fact that it is both an accurate description and there are not many other alternative descriptions. I thought then that I would use todays little post to just write up some of the reasons why we all need coaches - especially today.
A coach
* can see things we cannot see for ourselves
* can bring in a new perspective
* can use their experience to help one through a difficult process, saving time and money in the process by pointing out errors and what to avoid
* is able to provide accurate and impartial feedback
* is able to justify and explain said feedback so that it makes sense and improvements can be made
* provides support when needed, and encouragement when required
vbrings the eye of an expert to make the incremental adjustments to go from good to great
* plays the role of an advisor, but letting you make your own choices
* lets you do the work, so learning best, but helps you get better results by providing a commentary on your actions
* acts as an editor by sifting through experiences from elsewhere and bringing to your attention what is appropriate, and leaving aside what has no bearing
* should be neutral and therefore able to provide truthful and helpful comments
* can see the bigger picture
* helps set proper objectives, goals and targets
vhelps with time management, making sure things get done in the proper order and in good time
* can provide aid in strategic planning
* can help in differentiating between wants and needs
* stops one from slipping back into bad habits and from postponing what should be being done
* lets you share your frustations and fears
* listens
* allows you to compare notes and observations to help draw better or more correct conclusions
* provides a mentor
* is a comfort in times of stress
* is used by almost all successful people, from business giants, (Bill Gates) politicians (Margaret Thatcher) to sports stars (Tiger Woods)
* helps you focus on a specific area of improvement rather than wandering all over the place and dispersing your energy needlessly
* should ask you to try and achieve more than you would think of being able to do on your own
* provides a structure to help achieve the clearly defined goals
* helps you stay on track and not go down side allies
* provides a synergy where 1+1 is more than 2!
* improves managerial and interpersonal skills
* improves relationships with colleagues
* teaches how to identify and act on development needs
* provides greater confidence
* lets one become more effective, assertive in dealing with people
* has a positive impact on performance
* allows one to have greater self-awareness
* helps to acquire new skills and abilities
* develops a greater adaptability to change
* improves work-life balance
* reduces stress levels
* helps to improve the decision making process
* aids in creating greater autonomy and empowerment
* increases the ability to take real responsibility

I am sure that there are other reasons to use a coach, but this short list gives some idea of why almost all of the successful people that we admire don't hesitate to call in a coach. Even if they call themselves 'advisors', 'consultants' or 'gurus' the end effect is the same!

So when you are feeling that you need some outside help, don't be afraid to call for help. You are not alone.

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